WordPress on DigitalOcean

WordPress hosted on a DigitalOcean server is already a great match; WordPress is one of the best CMSes out there, and DigitalOcean is known for being industry-best as well. But add Cloudways to the mix, and a great match turns into a match made in heaven.

So you’re in the right direction when you ask “how to host WordPress on a DigitalOcean cloud server?” I’m going to highlight exactly that in this piece: how to install WordPress on a DigitalOcean Droplet (native DO),, and then how to install WordPress on a Cloudways managed DigitalOcean server.

Installing WordPress directly on a DigitalOcean Droplet is a very technical process. I will run various commands to install a LEMP (Linux, NGINX, MariaDB, PHP) stack and then a WordPress application. However, in the second method via Cloudways, you can instantly deploy your server and install a WordPress application in a few clicks.

Why DigitalOcean?

Before heading to the installation process, though, it would serve you well to know why DigitalOcean is such a good choice for your WordPress hosting needs, and how Cloudways can enhance that experience.

If you are a blogger, designer, or someone with mission-critical hosting requirements, you can’t put your faith in cheap and/or unreliable web hosting providers. You need to make sure that your hard work doesn’t go to waste, and that you have the best cloud hosting for WordPress so you can grow limitlessly.

DigitalOcean is a cloud hosting provider headquartered in New York City with data centers across the globe. Its seamless connectivity allows users to deploy and scale multiple web applications simultaneously without any lag. DigitalOcean offers private virtual Linux OS-powered machines called ‘droplets.’

Pros & Cons of WordPress on DigitalOcean

As great as WordPress and DigitalOcean work together, whether you should directly host your WP site on DigitalOcean depends on your own requirements and technical prowess. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of this:

Pros Cons

  • Affordable pricing Complicated installation
  • Easy to set up, well-documented FAQ and tutorials Pre-built server options only
  • User-friendly interface and management panel Security-related technicalities
  • Reliable connectivity
  • Multiple data center options
  • Dependable and consistent uptime

DigitalOcean is one of the fastest-growing cloud infrastructure providers because it is affordable and gives WordPress users a chance to exercise their development muscles. However, for an inexperienced individual who lacks technical expertise, managing a DO server